Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Early Easter

I'm sure you noticed that Easter came early this year. I read some interesting stats on it. Apparently it has been about 95 years since it has been this early...and it will be another 220 years before it will be this early again. I didn't want this once-in-a-lifetime event pass by without taking note.

Christians around the world unite their hearts on Easter to thank God for the cross...and for the empty tomb that first Easter morning so long ago. No matter what the date is on the calendar, we rejoice for what Jesus did for us.

Bonnie Kate dyed her first eggs this year, but she also heard the Easter story for the first time too. She told me the day after her daddy read her the story, "Jesus died on the cross." Yes, little girl, He did...just for you...and just for me.

May we never lose the wonder.

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