Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving - Day 21

Today I am thankful for my friends through the mail. I have had pen pals on and off since I was a young teenager. My first two were from Japan and Korea. Most of them have been from various parts of the U.S. This summer I decided to take up this "hobby" again and now I have four people that I write.

I think that writing honest to goodness letters is almost a lost art, especially with the instantaneous communication of email and Facebook, combined with the rising cost of postage. But there is something special about a letter. It is hard to describe the feeling I get when I open the mailbox and see a letter with my name on it. I consider it a gift that I hold dear.

Over the years I have gotten to know many wonderful and interesting people, who enrich my life. Hopefully I add some joy to their lives too.

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