Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanksgiving - Day 9

Today I am thankful for good Southern food (those of you who know me would expect this to make my list) and for those who know how to serve it well.

My Mother was a good cook. I've heard that her Mother was a good cook, as were Southern mothers for generations before them. Grits and eggs, homemade biscuits, chicken and dumplin's, sweet potato and pecan pie...good enough to make you eat another serving even if you're full...just because.

Here are a few tidbits about Southern cooks:

They hover around the table asking "What can I get you?" I'm not sure that my Mother ever actually ate a meal with us.

They LOVE to see folks enjoying their cooking. I think that while they are hovering, they might be listening for "yummy noises" too.

They never think that what they are serving is special. "Oh, it's just something I threw together!"

They always have something to "throw together" in case unexpected company shows up.

But the most important thing is that their kitchens are filled with love and that's usually where visitors like to hang out.

I'm thankful for my heritage of Southern cooks and I hope that one day my children and grandchildren will say that I carried on the tradition well.

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