Sunday, June 15, 2008

Long Time...No Read

I have been trying to log into my blog account for several weeks now, but it just would not work. Instead of persevering to find out what the problem was, I just shrugged my shoulders and went on to something else. That is uncharacteristic of me...but I think I just couldn't deal with one more frustrating thing in my life. Finally today I asked Mike to look at it and he figured it out. Woo-hoo for a techie hubby!

The summer has been eventful so far. Last week I picked up my two oldest grandsons every day to take them to VBS. Nine-year-old "A" made a profession of great is that?!

BK's two-week swimming lessons start tomorrow at the Y.

I bought tickets for the whole summer for all of us (Bubbies and their mom included) to go see the 50 cent movies every Wednesday morning.

Our church has activities on Wednesday nights, so we take all the kids early to eat and then they go do their thing. We have started taking the two-year-old now I have with me: 9,7,4,3 and 2 year olds. You haven't lived until you have taken five kids out to eat! But we have a good time and I am glad that they want to spend time with their Gran D.

After many years of following the work of the Center for Pregnancy Choices, I finally made the plunge last week to become a volunteer at the local office. I am so excited to be involved in this wonderful ministry.

In between all of my running here and there, I'll try to post more often this summer (thanks for the prodding Elysa!).

1 comment:

Elysa said...

YAY~!!!! You posted!!!!!

And I loved reading all your news...especially about that grandson giving his life to Jesus. :D

Love to you all,